Auto Accident: Defendant Truck ran a red light causing my client to sustain a Fractured Pelvis $450,000.00
Auto Accident: Defendant Rearended at a light causing a herniated disc at C4-5 $145,000.00
Auto Accident: Rearend collision causing herniated discs in young client’s cervical spine $219,000.00
Auto Accident: T-Bone collision causing air bag deployment, fracturing her wrist from impact, we received policy limits of $100,000.00
Auto Accidnet_ Herniated Disc: BI Limits of $100,000.00 and Uninsured Motorist limits of $50,000.00
Pedestrian Auto accident: Vehicle ran over client’s foot in a parking lot causing a fracture: $200,000.00
Auto Accident: Fractured Ankle Exhausted limits of $10,000 and UM limits of $100,000
Auto Accident: Delayed treatment- Herniated Disc. Limits of $100,000.00
Paint Ball accident at Paint Ball Park- Eye damage-with good recovery $180,000.00
Minor Pedestrian Auto accident at school pick up causing a deep leg laceration-$157,000.00
Dog Bite at an Apt. Complex, wounds to lower leg-$450,000.00 Judgment
Dog Bite at a home slight scarring $25,000.00 Judgment
Auto Accident-Violated Client right of way causing T-Bone Collisioin-Herniated Disc =/Cervical Fusion $380.000.00
Auto Accident-Minor Passenger-Compound Femur Fracture-$600,000.00
Auto Accident- Rear end collision Herniated Disc Cervical Spine- $300,000.00
Motor Cycle Accident-Passenger ejected-fractured foot-$100,000.00
Motor Cycle Accident- Herniated Disc Lower Back-$300,000.00
Motor Cycle Accident-Torn Shoulder (Rotator Cuff)-$100,000.00